by Job Morris | Jul 23, 2018 | Dekar, People
Known in Naro as Nxae, the Tsama melon is, perhaps, the most important source of water among the San people. During the rainy season, the melons lie abundantly on the ground and are used for two basic needs: food and water. The fruit is 90% liquid and its seeds can be...
by Khwa ttu Digital Archive | Jul 23, 2018 | !Khwa ttu, History, San Heritage
!Khwa ttu is collaborating with the Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford in the UK. These images are from their vast photographic collection. Maybe you can help us to find out more about those photos taken by Dorothea Bleek in the 1920s. Do you recognise...
by Job Morris | Jul 4, 2018 | Dekar, People
D’kar village, which has an estimated population of 2000, is located in the Ghanzi district of Western Botswana. It is very popular and famous for the settlement of the landless, marginalized and poor community of San origin (commonly known as the Naro), who have...
by Job Morris | May 31, 2018 | Dekar, Language, People
In D’Kar we have developed ways to document the Naro language. Naro is a dialect of San languages and is dominant in Western Botswana and Eastern Namibia. However, in D’Kar there has been developments in documentation of the Naro language. Books are...
by Job Morris | May 21, 2018 | Dekar
D’Kar, albeit a small village, displays a mosaic of colourful lifestyle dedicated for the upliftment of their livelihood. Here is beautiful art work designed by the Naro women and men that resemble the earliest engravings of the San. This contemporary art is...