My name is Andries Vaalbooi. Born on a farm called Graafwatter. I’m leaving school at a grade 8 level to start work to help my parents. After a few years of hard working on farms, I realized that I need more education and then I decided to go to the #Khomani land where I started of with different trainings based on tourism and some other training. In 2008, I applied for the !Khwa ttu program on training. After I completed the training I apply for a job at the centre where by my application was successful, and could start to experience a lot and gained a lot of experiences too. What I would like to say is that one could learn no matter their age. Andre die Boesmankind vani kalahari….
Hi my name is Andre Vaalbooi, a member of the #Khomani San community. I am staying in the Kalahari in the Northern Cape close to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, and I am one of the Satellite Pioneers.