The San have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy to this day, food that nature provides. Some foods are balanced, tasty and enjoyable. San have the knowledge to combine different foods in order to enhance the flavour and taste. Some foods are pounded and mixed with edible worms. Only this knowledge is found among the San who know about different plant species and about where and when they are found. It is as if they are the ones who planted them there.

I’m a native speaker of Naro from Botswana’s Ghanzi District. I’m a defender of of Indigenous rights and a strong supporter of inclusive social policy. As a young person from a very marginalized group, I have grown to understand the importance of culture in todays society. Whereas I know that change is inevitable, without the knowledge of where you come from and ideals that you represent, can bring harm to the very fight of the right to self-determination. I support all those who advocate towards them.